Hey, fellow parents of children with special needs -- what do you take for anxiety? I'm interested in prescription, over-the-counter, herbs, teas, anything. Not picky. All I take right now is chocolate, and it's not quite doing the trick. I've got to find something, or I may just start drinking during the day.
(I'm just kidding, I'm not going to do that, I know that's a terrible idea. I know alcoholism is nothing to joke about, and it's a serious disease. Please don't send me hate mail.)

My boys are doing great. But -- big picture here -- the fact is that most likely they are not going to be entirely self-reliant when they are grown. They are going to be vulnerable and they are going to need me. Forever. I can't ever die.
Or age, for that matter. I can't be sick, break any bones, get arthritis, or lose my mind. Not unless I can confine it just happen during school hours. And if I had that kind of control, I'd be rich. I don't know how it would make me rich, but I'm sure it would happen somehow. I'd find a way to bottle and sell that power.
I can still joke about it, but the truth is that the pressure is starting to crack my shell.
I'm not in great shape. I have weight to lose, and should exercise a lot more. My medicinal chocolate and other foods I comfort myself with are not helping me reach my goal to remain healthy and never die.
But right now I need to take myself down a notch. I have a doctor appointment, but until then, I need to experiment with some other remedies I don't need a prescription for. I'm open to suggestions.
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