Zack's been screaming so much lately. What is his deal? Is it because we've been so busy lately? Is it because he doesn't know from one week to the next whether he'll be going on a trip or someone else will be taking care of him, because I'm going on a trip? Is it because school is out and our days are a little less predictable?
We walked to the park this afternoon, and Zack screamed the whole way home. He was fine while we were there but things started going downhill when he wanted to take off his shoes and socks, and I stopped him. Then Aliza fell and scraped up her leg and decided she might have to ride home in the double stroller with Zack.
Zack didn't care for her company, and he screamed and pinched her until she decided it was far less painful to hobble home on her skinned up leg than to try riding next to him. She got up, but it was too late, Zack had gone over the edge, and he screamed until we walked into our front door a half hour later. I don't know why he has any voice left at all.
Once home, he shed his socks, shoes, and shirt, slipped into the pink shirt that he dug out of the wash, and ate most of a box of Cheerios. Now he is much better.
Today wasn't the only day he's been ultra sensitive. He's been wailing, screaming, pinching, and biting himself in the legs and arms a lot lately. I don't know what to do for him.
I'm hoping to try the intense potty training next week, after AJ and I get back from the MIND, where we are going to fulfill the second half of the word learning study we started 18 months ago.
Dance recital and Galveston pictures and story are coming soon. Right now the computer seems to let me upload a picture every 20 minutes or so, and I have found about a half hour of time to be on there every day, so it's very slow going.
Perhaps after the trip to CA I'll have more computer time too. Yeah, and maybe I'll wake up miraculously 40 pounds lighter, with hair that cooperates, in a clean, beautifully decorated house, with three children who are well behaved and fully potty trained. That's all I ask. Is it too much? Why can't I have it all? Some people do. At least it looks like it from my side of the fence.
Word of the Week 14/09/2024 Apps #WotW
9 hours ago
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