A few weeks back, I did that thing you should never ever do today. I played the "if they were normal" game. The boys had a doctor appointment, so I left work early to pick them up from school. I stopped at home first to get their iPads, knowing that would make the doctor visit much easier. On the way to our house I drove by our neighborhood elementary school, the one they would've gone to "if they were normal." The one Aliza went to. And I imagined that today, instead of going to the doctor, I left work early to come over to the school and have lunch with my boys. I would probably bring them Subway, or some kind of healthy fast food, even though they prefer McDonald's. They wouldn't be in the same class, but since they be in the same grade obviously, they would have the same lunch. I'd wait for them and when they saw me, they'd be all excited, and would come sit with me. Well, AJ would be excited right away; Zack would probably have to be cool about it in front of the other kids. And their friends would see us sitting at those tables and shout out "aw, you guys get Subway? Lucky!" And AJ would smile shyly, and Zack would look over at them like "yep. we got Subway. We're special that way."
They'd be popular because there are two of them, and they would be sweet and kind because they are our kids and Aliza's brothers and we'd raise them to be nice kids. And they'd play sports, but probably not the same sport because that would make my life too simple. AJ would want to be in the band, and Zack would probably decide to as well, after seeing his brother doing it.
It's not all bad, playing this game. I'm taking cues from their personalities to determine what they would like and what they would want to do, and this is exactly the kind of life they could lead if and when there's ever a cure or effective treatment. It doesn't hurt to be prepared for that. (she told herself confidently.)
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