Woke up before 4 AM. Figured as it got closer to 5, I might as well get up as Mark wasn't likely to quit snoring anytime soon. And since it's his birthday, and he needs his sleep because he has an interview today, I figured I better not kick him to get him to quit!
This past weekend was a little tough for the boys, AJ in particular. The problem is he lost a therapist last week, and it was the one who had the Friday morning shift, the Saturday afternoon shift, and now today, the Monday morning shift. So people keep coming over to work with Zack and nobody shows up for AJ, and he's bored and jealous, I think. He was quite the crabby pants Saturday so we thought, we have to get out of the house -- tomorrow we're going to be out and about. Well turns out that wasn't what he really wanted either, he was irritable yesterday too. At Bobbie's house he slipped on the stairs and bumped his chin, and I didn't realize he was bleeding until he'd blotted most of it up on my shoulder, while I was holding him and comforting him through the trauma. Like I told Bobbie, this is why sometimes I just wear clothes that are already stained. Because sooner or later someone is bound to bleed on me.
Speaking of AJ though, he's started doing this cute little thing -- if you ask him a question he might put his finger to his chin and go "hmmmm", like he's thinking about it....I don't know who he picked that up from. One of his therapists, probably!
We got the boys an inflatable climbing toy, which they are too big for but they loved. We had it for at least 15 minutes before someone put a hole in it. We'll find it, patch it, and reinflate it, but this is just a reminder as to why we don't get inflatable toys anymore!
Word of the week 28/2/2025 Spring #WotW
6 days ago
1 comment:
It's amazing the affect therapists and other people have in the lives of our children, often it is not even their intended purpose. I am certain that Alex's twin sister was jealous of the attention the therapists gave Alex. But, she also learned a few things, too!
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