Today I went to Target and came home with 300 diapers.
With my cart stacked so high with diaper boxes I couldn’t see over it, I passed a couple of young new moms with their tiny singletons in their pretty carseats, set neatly in the cart, browsing through the baby aisle. They look me and my baggage over and one of them exclaims, “wow, are they having a diaper sale?”
In the span of a second I thought “no, miss, they aren’t having a sale. My twin sons have Fragile X Syndrome and are not potty trained. When a child with a disability turns 4 and is not potty trained, it's called "incontinence" and the state pays for the diapers. Once a month I come here and fill a prescription for 150 diapers for each of my sons, which comes to around 300 diapers in my cart.
"I was you once. I was young and had just one tiny baby. Seems like yesterday, and at the same time, a million years ago."
That was what I thought. What I said was "I have twins." Smiling and walking, and moving on.
Word of the Week 7/2/2025 Getting Out #WotW
3 days ago
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