During a recent trip to Target with all three kids, we saw a huge toy monkey. It was on an endcap in a display case with a space left open so kids could come by, push the button, see and hear the monkey do its thing, and then beg their parents to buy it. Target is so smart that way.
The boys were sitting together in a cart at the time, so I pulled up next to it and Aliza reached in and pushed the button. The boys looked on curiously.
The boys looked startled, and then started trying to escape from the cart to get away from the weird thing.
AJ, with tears beginning to form: "No? No? No? No? No? No?" (AJ always says no? with a vocal upturn at the end, like it's a question. That's just his way.)
Zack, with a look of panic: "buh-bye! buh-bye! buh-bye! buh-bye!" (Zack uses this extremely high falsetto voice to say buh-bye.)
Aliza and I tried not to giggle as I drove the cart away as quick as I could. They were upset, but their reaction was just so unexpected.
Lesson learned: Boots the Monkey, good. Other strange monkeys making sounds, very very very bad.
Oh my, this was so funny. Like you said, not really the intent, but funny all the same. Perhaps even more so as I just accidentally bought my son a monkey that makes a hideous noise (which I didn't realized until I got home.)
I wish I could have seen that! But the image you created for me was very funny nonetheless!
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