Sometimes I'll look at Aliza's spelling pretest and try to figure out what the words are, based on how she guessed they were spelled. Can you figure out what these are?
If you are thinking "scalped" and "scalping" for the middle two words, you are wrong, like I was. I was quite relieved that they aren't teaching my daughter the proper spelling for "scalped."
Word of the Week 7/2/2025 Getting Out #WotW
3 days ago
hugged, escaped, escaping, signs?
hugged, skipped, skipping, signs?
Hugged, ?,?, signs
the answers are hugged, skipped, skipping, and since. Good job girls!
My daughter often comes home with words spelled like this too... I have been saving her "writing samples" (as the kindergarten teacher calls them) in a memory box so we can revisit them someday. :)
escaped and escaping?
I remember Emily in Kindergarten and I was shocked at how they taught them to spell. It was so different from how we were taught, but it worked!
Her suffixes are correct, which is cool. Linguistics are so interesting, and Fragile X kids seem to learn whole words by recognition. I'm a stickler for spelling, and I'm pretty sure I rely a lot on my whole word recognition/picture memory to help me remember how to spell many words.
Love pre-tests... :)
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