I won't divulge the names of the pharmacies in the interest of their privacy, and in the interest of their not getting mad and spitting in my prescriptions -- since we still get drugs from both of these places.

1. One medication the boys take comes in a liquid form, 30 doses to a bottle. Not long ago, a pharmacy gave us that medication in 15 different bottles, each with only 2 doses in it. Oh, how I wish I'd taken a picture of that bag full of prescription bottles before I consolidated it into just two!
2. A different pharmacy can't seem to keep in their records that the boys both have Medical Assistance, and they messed up the processing the first time around, and had to call M.A. to straighten it out. In the meantime they made me drive around the building and get in the back of the drive-thru line so they could help the cars behind me, while waiting on hold with M.A. When I got up to the window the second time and she said to me "we are still on the phone with M.A. It'll be just another minute or so. You can wait there, but if a car comes up behind you could you drive around again please?" I nearly got out of the car and decked her.
Help me decide which one should get the trophy.
OMG and they make how much money from our prescriptions?
After much thought, I vote No. 1. Because while your experience with no. 2 was highly annoying, I can understand a misfile or whatnot, and the issue should be fixed now with any luck. But no. 1? Really? After bottle 10 or so, shouldn't the pharmacist thought, hmm...something about this isn't right? Maybe there's another way? Maybe I could call Bonnie and ask her preference? Maybe this is wasteful? Ugh.
Pharmacy #2 needs my dad's approach. He says, "I'm very comfortable waiting right here." They can't make you move!
I wonder what they thought you were going to do with 15 bottles!
#2, definitely!!!
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