We leave for the Fragile X Conference today! Not sure how much time I'll have to post while I'm there (although naturally the laptop will be accompanying us) but I'm very excited to meet people, take in information, and get great pictures! I'm also going to enjoy spending a few days not thinking about dishes, laundry, when the next medication is due, who pooped last, where that bite mark came from, and wondering how we can be out of cranberry grape juice and Cookie Crisp when I was just at Target yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that.
I do think that I'm going to miss hearing AJ come over and ask for "Wuss" (Wiggles), and Zack tap me on the shoulder saying "Pop" (Pop Go the Wiggles). I'm going to miss tucking Aliza in at night and telling her:
"Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite, but if they do, grab a shoe, and beat 'em till they're black & blue."
Actually I guess I could call her and tell her that! Grandma's going to have to kiss her goodnight on each cheek, though.
Word of the Week 7/2/2025 Getting Out #WotW
3 days ago
jealous for those going to the conference but looking forward to hearing about it!
I hope you enjoy your time away. Looks like you guys have been busy lately. I'm glad to see the wedding trip was a success!
Hope you have a great and informational time! Glad you get to go with no kids and no worries - well sorta! Can't wait to hear about it.
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