Here he is, working the laptop all by himself. I still find it amazing that he can do this. He's so sure of himself. I know I've said it before but it merits repeating -- I never would have guessed even a year ago that he'd be doing this now.
I'm not thrilled about the Dorito smudges all over the keyboard and mouse, but I guess that's what Clorox wipes are for.
And look at this -- see how he's sitting next to the computer instead of in front of it?
Once I got over my horror of the fact that he'd pushed the screen all the way back, I noticed the objects on the screen are facing HIM -- to the side.
I tried to get a picture of it, but I couldn't get a good angle. Plus I'm still trying to keep my jaw off the floor. He ROTATED THE SCREEN all by himself!
I would never believe he did it purposely if I hadn't seen him do it once before. We laughed and laughed, assuming he'd randomly pounded an odd combination of keys and accidentally caused the screen to rotate. BTW if you Google "computer screen upside down" you can find instructions on how to bring it back to normal. It's control-alt-arrow.
I don't know what to think. I am not sure this was random and accidental. I mean, it's happened twice now.
I look at his face and there a little genius locked in there, unable to communicate to me all that he knows?
Way to go AJ!! He handles the computer better than I do! I hope their first day of school goes well.
-Auntie Linda
Holy smokes! That's incredible...what a genius way to watch those teeny tiny videos!
Wow! Didn't even know that was possible!
That is pretty incredible. I don't think I know how to do that! Love that technology can benefit them so much and open the world up to them!
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