Awhile back,
I reviewed some iPad apps that the kids enjoy. We still love those, and we are discovering new ones all the time. Here's a few more that the boys are loving right now:

Mr. Turkey is a really fun book that we downloaded around last Thanksgiving, but AJ still loves looking at it. Everyone in this book is looking for Mr. Turkey, and on the last page you can upload a picture of your child and HE finds Mr. Turkey! So cute!

Very cute, interactive book. AJ sort of stims on the first couple of pages, over and over, but if I sit with him, I can make him sit through the rest of it.

Elephants Bath is another interactive book. You can "play" with the toys on each page, including throwing a ball around and making sticks bang on a drum, there's a little butterfly on each page that you touch and it flies around, and on the page with the elephant in the bath, you can pop the bubbles!

Color Dots is so easy, and so fun. When you start it, there's one dot, and it moves around the screen until you touch it. Then there are two dots that move around, until you touch them. Then three. And so on. At Christmastime, the dots became Christmas tree ornaments, which no one was as excited about as me. But you know - it's the little things!

Somewhere I read something that recommended Letter School, and I wish I could remember where, so I could go back and thank them. It encourages kids to draw the letters, which is something both my boys have such a hard time with - purposeful writing/drawing. There are lots of apps to help with drawing/writing skills, but most of them move too slowly, or are too hard, or are just boring. This one moves along quickly and rewards the child with fun little actions. This was $2.99, I think, and totally worth it.

This feeds into our love of Dora and Diego - anything with recognizable characters and music is going to be a hit with my boys. This is also an interactive book. Each page has puzzle pieces to put in place.

Buzzle is a great, free puzzle app. Four detailed, bright pictures with specific items missing. Those items appear one at a time in the upper right corner, and you just drag it down to the correct spot in the picture. AJ loves it.

Little Puzzles Preschool Games is a great puzzle app too. Simple photos of toys, vehicles, animals, and other things broken into just four pieces. Drag the pieces together to form the picture. AJ loves this one too.

Oh, Injini. Injini is so great, I am tempted to give it it's own post, all by itself. It includes a variety of great activities; puzzles, matching cards, and line tracing. There's a section with farm animals and when you select the sheep, a razor appears and you have to rub it all over the sheep, shearing it. There's a bunch of eggs that you touch a few times to crack them, making little chicks appear. There's a game called "Find It" where a drawer opens and you have to find an object. It starts with just one and works up to 3 objects to choose from. The puzzle starts out with one piece, and works up to 4 or 5.
Here's my one (minor) complaint with Injini - I want the full version BADLY, because both boys have had such a great experience with the free one, but the full version is $49.99! I could get it for them for their birthday coming up next month. But it makes me ill, to think of paying that much for an app. I keep hoping it'll go on sale, or something. If you ever see a sale on this one, PLEASE email me immediately!
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