Sorry I've been MIA lately. I've been working. Yep, got a part time job subbing in the school cafeterias. They can call me to work for any school in the district, and this past week I got to sub at Zack and AJ's school! I was tickled to get to see them at lunch.
They behaved exactly as I expected them to - that is, they looked at me like I was an alien. Because it's weird, seeing mom at school. Just like seeing a teacher at the store ... I was out of place, at their school.
Actually Zack smiled at me a little, and then I saw him turn to look up at his aid and say "my mom!" AJ, however, was pretty bothered.
They both got over it and didn't let it ruin their day, though.
It was so great to meet the cafeteria workers, because they knew who my boys were right away. When I said I was Zack and AJ's mom the lead cook said "oh, I know them! They like chicken!" Yes, that's all they serve at the school cafeteria that my guys will eat!
I met one of the janitors, and he lit up like a Christmas tree when I told him who my kids were.
"I love those guys! I always say hi to AJ, and then he ducks his head down real shy-like, and starts to walk away, but then he'll look over his shoulder at me and say 'HI!' "
Isn't that awesome? When it was my last day this week, I was sad to go, but the caf ladies said they'd watch my boys for me. It takes a village, and I am loving my villagers!
I've also been busy with another creative endeavor - I'm writing that book people have been telling me to write. So that's where most of my of my prose is going, lately.
I don't promise it'll be done soon. Actually I don't promise it'll be done ever. But I'm trying to focus on it as much as I can because it's something I have always wanted to do, and if I don't do it, it'll be my biggest regret, because the only thing that has kept me from doing it is laziness. And maybe a little ADD, which I can blame on the Fragile X gene. But I'm not going to use that as an excuse anymore. So I've cracked down and gotten started. I'm about 13,000 words in so far, around 48 pages!
I would equate the writing process to having the flu. Writing is like throwing up. It's painful but you can't not do it, it just has to come out of you. And you feel so much better after you get it out.
I'll try to do a better job of keeping this updated.... Please send me productive vibes!
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Word of the Week 7/2/2025 Getting Out #WotW
3 days ago
1 comment:
Congratulations on the new job and the start of your new book!!!!!! Keep up posted!!
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