I'm a proud and active member of a great club called the Minnesota Valley Mothers of Multiples and I try to participate with the boys as much as they are able. There's several events I wouldn't even attempt with them, including the Halloween and Christmas parties. Loud, crowded rooms are pretty difficut for kids with sensitive sensory processing issues.
The apple orchard outing in the fall, however, is just about perfect for them.
Of course I took some photos, but they are going to have to wait one more day before I'll have time to look at them. In the meantime, I thought I'd take a little poll.
Yesterday we tried something new at the apple orchard; we took the boys on the hayride. Its pretty low key - a tractor pulls a cart with people sitting on haybales in a circle, all around the orchard. Takes around 15 minutes.
One of the boys loved it. The other one hated it. Can you guess which one ran away from it, and which one wanted to go for another spin?
Word of the Week 7/2/2025 Getting Out #WotW
3 days ago
I am going to say AJ was a no go, Zach was all about it.
Aww, we didn't see you! Glad your guys, okay one of them, liked it!
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